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Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy

Terrain theory is fundamental to the Naturopathic understanding of health and susceptibility to dis-ease.

Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy considers Antoine Bechamp's Pleomorphic theory and Claude Bernard's Terrain theory fundamental to understanding health and susceptibility to dis-ease.  According to Bechamp and Bernard, if the internal environment or 'soil' of the body, also referred to as the 'terrain', has become unhealthy due to the cells becoming acidic, having positively charged cellular membranes, unable to detoxify themselves, low in oxygen, depleted of nutrients and unable to move fluids across the cellular membrane, then instead of developing into normal, specialised healthy cells needed for optimal health, the microzymes, microforms and microorganisms within the body evolve into bacteria, yeast and fungus referred to as 'morbid matter' laying the foundations of dis-ease within the body.  Bernard believed that a person's internal environment was more important in determining disease than any infective organism or pathogen.​


From a naturopathic perspective, healing and restoration of health and vitality begin at the terrain or cellular level by improving the flow or movement of water, electrolytes, light, oxygen, nutrients, toxins and other biochemical substances between the intra-cellular fluid (the fluid inside our cells), the extracellular fluid (the fluid outside of the cell), the lymphatic fluid and the blood.  In order to heal, the body must also be able to detoxify itself by cleaning out waste products including undigestible food, old and excess hormones, broken down red blood cells, chemicals, alcohol, drugs and medicines to avoid toxins (waste) accumulating within the body and negatively affecting the 'terrain' and depleting the life force of the individual. 


Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy seeks to restore a healthy 'terrain' or 'soil' within the body by returning the balance of electrolytes to the cells and tissues through hydration, replacing depleted nutrients to restore vital energy and feed the cellular processes through diet, and by supporting gentle detoxification through stress management, lifestyle, and diet to restore the internal pH of the body, correct the electrical charge on the cell membrane potential, correct nutrient deficiencies and restore the vital force within the body and its ability to detoxify itself.

Healing begins at the cellular level by improving the flow of water, light, oxygen, nutrients, toxins and electrolytes in and out of the cells.

When we are in good health, there is flow or movement within the body and our life force is strong and resilient.  We approach our lives with energy, enthusiasm, excitement, creativity, and positivity which brings stability, harmony, happiness, contentment and a love for life.  If there is stagnation in the body, the whole system slows down and we begin experiencing pain and discomfort.  We can feel sluggish, tired, anxious, depressed, fearful, irritable, unable to cope, stuck, and overwhelmed with life. 


Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy has restoration of the basic functioning of the cell at it's core because what we experience as symptoms can be attributed to a breakdown of optimal functioning at the cellular level.  Healing begins at the cellular level by improving the flow or movement of water, light, oxygen, nutrients, toxins and electrolytes in and out of the cells and between the extracellular fluid, lymphatic fluid and blood.  In order to heal, there needs to be gentle detoxification of the extra cellular matrix and restoration of the pH balance inside and outside of the cells which is achieved by balancing electrolytes through hydration, diet, and adequate vitamins and minerals.


Naturopathic Nutrition believes in the healing power of nature and the body’s ability to heal itself once obstacles to recovery are removed.  Naturopathic Nutrition supports the self-healing process by increasing the body’s vitality through restoration of the vital energy of the individual.  It also assesses the movement and progression of disease helping the individual to find and treat the root cause of their illness.  Naturopathic Nutrition supports the whole person, not just the symptoms, using therapies that support the whole organism because the whole organism is involved in the healing process.  

Naturopathic Nutrition seeks to empower individuals by providing them with an understanding of their constitution and their disease pathway so that they can start taking responsibility for their own health.

Naturopathic nutrition applies the ‘first do no harm’ principle avoiding the use of medicines and procedures that interfere with the natural functions of the body or create new problems from side effects, preferring to use the most natural, least toxic invasive therapies first.  Naturopathic Nutrition also considers an individual’s attitudes, psychological and emotional state, lifestyle, diet, inherited factors, and their environment when assessing overall health and wellbeing.  Naturopathic philosophy believes optimum health depends upon the body’s ability to cleanse the tissues and that disease occurs when toxins accumulate in bodily tissues diminishing the vitality of the cells.  Naturopathic Nutrition therefore incorporates naturopathic techniques that help and support gentle detoxification and a return to homeostasis such as fasting, dry skin brushing, hot and cold showers, enemas, castor oil and ginger packs.


Naturopathic Nutrition differs from the purely scientific approach to nutrition because it considers the bigger picture rather than specific symptoms.  The purely scientific approach to nutrition emphasises the treatment of symptoms and the results of laboratory tests, which if assessed in isolation, could result in supplements being given for symptoms without understanding why the person has the symptoms in the first place.  The philosophy of Naturopathic Nutrition is ‘vitalistic’ recognising that subtle energy forces in the body, the vital force or vitality of an individual, are needed to keep bodily tissues healthy and that individual susceptibility to disease is influenced by the health of their terrain or extra-cellular matrix, the environment in which the cells exist, which in turn influences vitality. 

When one system or organ is suffering, it affects the performance of the whole organism. 

Naturopathic medicine believes that the healing power of nature is an inherent property of the living organism.  The organism will always seek to re-establish homeostasis which is a self-regulating process by which a living organism can maintain internal stability while adjusting to changing external conditions.  Natural medicines and therapies are preferred because when they are used properly and in appropriate circumstances, they are the least harmful, least invasive, and best able to work in harmony with the natural healing process defined by Hering's Law of Cure.  The total organism is involved in the healing attempt therefore the most effective approach to diagnosis and treatment is to consider the whole person taking into account lifestyle and environmental factors that could be impeding the healing process.  ​


​Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy is based on the six key principles of Naturopathy:​

  1. First do no harm

  2. Identify and treat the cause

  3. The healing power of nature

  4. Doctor as teacher.

  5. Treat the whole person.

  6. Prevention​

The body is extremely efficient at preserving vital nutrients and making compensations to keep us functioning so it can take weeks, months or even years for a problem or symptoms to appear.

 If we ignore symptoms or suppress them with drugs, the opportunity for healing is missed and the dis-ease process deepens within the body manifesting in the form of worsening or new symptoms. Naturopathic nutrition seeks to uncover and support the root cause of discomfort rather than just medicating or treating symptoms.  Many people find that by improving their diet and lifestyle, other health concerns also diminish as the whole organism begins to work more effectively.  Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy isn't just about what we eat and drink, it also looks at our lifestyle, especially stress, because stress in all its forms is a major cause of health issues and chronic disease because it stops the systems within the body from working properly.  The hormonal and digestive systems are especially sensitive to stress, and if these systems are not working properly, neither are our immune or reproductive systems.

A few small changes applied gradually, gently and consistently are more beneficial to sustained healing than lots of change that quickly proves impractical, unsustainable and demotivating when applied to real life.  Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy and Nutritional Medicine can help with many common complaints and changes do not have to be big to yield results.  A good practitioner listens to what you can accommodate and supports you on your journey back to health.  Healing requires time, patience, and dedication, but the rewards are significant, empowering, and enduring.

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